For the premiere of the first episode of One Hundred Years of Solitude, the Netflix series inspired by Gabriel García Márquez's masterpiece, an exclusive event was held at the National Library of Argentina, with the goal of transporting attendees to the heart of Macondo, the mythical Colombian town where the story unfolds.
The journey began through a green tunnel that evoked the lushness of the Colombian jungle. Hanging cages, the sound of tropical birds, and flaming torches welcomed guests, immersing them in the magical and mysterious atmosphere of Macondo.
The central space was set with two large islands, where guests could enjoy photographs from the series. High tables and stools facilitated interaction, while in the main area, a marketplace inspired by Colombia’s rich culture was recreated. Earthenware jars, clay vessels, large demijohns, bundles, and carts filled the space, transforming it into a corner of Macondo. Every detail invited attendees to relive the essence of García Márquez’s work in a unique setting.
National Library, Buenos Aires. Argentina